In June 2021, at the Hagerbach NXT 50 Festival, Normet announced its new EFNARC operator training course. While Normet has been developing new solutions to add to its product offering, the underground mining and tunneling equipment company has also focused on ensuring that the operators are well trained and possess the competency to effectively use the machines.
As a company, Normet understands the needs of its customers, and therefore, has continuously collected feedback from the mining and tunneling industry. One of the clearest messages has been the major benefits provided by process monitoring, reporting, as-built documentation, and building information modelling. Their newly upgraded SmartScan Align system is also proclaimed a veritable gamechanger, bringing ever more increase safety and cost-efficiency to mining and tunneling operations.
Mevea is proud of the over-decade-long cooperation with Normet, which has yielded significant breakthroughs in operator training, safety, and cost-efficiency.