Mobile Harbour Crane
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Train your operators to master the Mobile Harbour Crane safely and efficiently with the Mevea MHC Training Simulator
Mobile Harbour Crane Training Package
Mobile Harbour Cranes are used within wide range of applications, from conventional bulk material handling to special cargo. Mevea MHC is a thorough port simulation solution along with Mevea STS and RTG crane simulators.
Mevea MHC has a capacity of 75 tonnes and a lifting height of more than 30 meters. Equipped with a 45 cubic meter nominal capacity scoop bucket, skill development is possible for port operations larger that 1000 t/hour. Through joysticks and multipurpose touchscreen input, user is able to get a realistic crane operation experience.
Combined with the RTG and STS, the stup becomes a complete solutuon for port operations training.
Key Benefits
- Highly customizable training solutions.
- Faster transfer from a simulator to a real crane compared to other training simulators, resulting in better productivity and safety from day one of real crane operation.
- Unique approach to operator consoles design that accurately reflects the physical crane setup and allows to quickly change controls in the simulator.
- Savings in energy usage.
- Higher terminal revenues and profit for the operator when the real cranes are not occupied for training.
- Supporting your goals to meet the requirements of today´s modern port.
Crane training solution for bulk, C-hook. spreader beam, and container handling operations.
Selection of pre-loaded scenarios for quick training deployment.
Customisable training scenarios, and weather condition selection.
Productivity, operation accuracy, and collision monitoring.
Scenarios for hangling material between quay, ship, barge, and hopper.
Comprehensive database for excercise results, reporting operator performance, incidents, and possible errors.
Realistic deformable bulk pile for bucket interaction.
Generic control system.
- Maximum jib radius 58 m
- Maximum bulk lifting capability 75 tn (42.4 at maximum reach)
- Maximum hoist speed 120 m/min
- 4-rope bucket for bulk
- 4-rope hook with rotator with appropriate lifting tools for general cargo
- Bulk
- Steel pipes and coils
- Wheel loader (pile raking in ship, bulk harbour)
- Project cargo
- Bulk cargo port with hoppers and bulk ship
- General cargo port area with appropriate ship
- Two joysticks
- HMI screen
- CCTV screen
- Soft console panel, right
- Foot pedal for PMR radio
- Foot pedal for alarm sound
Supported Mevea Simulator Platforms
Mevea Training Packages can be installed on the following Mevea Simulator platforms.
All Simulator Platforms include the Mevea Instructor Station.