Watch Mevea Tech Talk, Ep. 5, Replay

The fifth episode of highly popular webinar series of Mevea Tech Talk was streamed live on November 24th. This time we introduced how to combine Mevea Dynamics simulation with ROS2 development environment.

Solutions to challenges

Development of autonomous functionality of working machines require lots of testing. Software development environments often offer limited simulation capabilities as well.

For autonomous functionality development, Mevea Simulation Software offers predefined sensor models with ROS and ROS2 interface for fluent connection of realistic machine, environment and work process simulation.


Simulation based testing with realistic environment and work process models enables faster development and improves quality.

Construction and bulk material handling machinery related application development can benefit highly on real-time dynamic soil behaviour with realistic machine interaction.

The webinar introduced basics of Mevea sensor interfaces, sensor model assemblies and connection to ROS2 tools, such as rqt and rviz. The usage of Mevea Unity sensors, camera and LiDAR, was also introduced.

The generic approach between Mevea I/O interface and ROS nodes was shown in detailed level to ease the development of case specific applications.

The Presenters

The 5th episode of Mevea Tech Talk was presented by two experts from Mevea; Senior Technical Advisor Dr. Asko Rouvinen and Project Engineer Dr. Vesa-Ville Hurskainen. As usual, we had a Q/A session before closing and received excellent questions from attendees.

If you are interested in combining ROS with realistic 3D dynamics, environment and work process models, watch the recording of Mevea Tech Talk by submitting the form.