Virtual Event: Digital Twins in Engineering Education

Join us to learn more about the applications of Digital Twins in Engineering Education

Join us on May 19, 2021 (12:00-14:00 UTC+3) to listen to academic experts with in-depth experience on Digital Twins discuss their applications in education and research.

The event is the first in a line of events to come and focuses on the use of Digital Twins in engineering education and research. Our line of speakers features academics from three prestigious European universities, each with in-depth experience on Digital Twins and their applications.

  • Dr.-Ing. Taras Shepel, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Ph.D. Student Jake Rankin, Loughborough University
  • Professor Aki Mikkola, Lappeenranta University of Technology

Products are becoming smarter and ever more connected, integrating the product hardware, sensors, software, connectivity, and data processing. Designing these products requires an understanding of several engineering disciplines and how they work together.

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As technology evolves, education must follow

COVID19 initiated an unexpected paradigm shift on a global scale. Remote operations have become commonplace and the methods have evolved to adapt to the global situation. However, despite the adaptation process, there is a problem in engineering education. With limited access to laboratories and physical machines, educating our future engineers has become a challenge of unprecedented complexity.

The rapid technological advancement combined with the challenges in remote engineering education is an equation that must be solved to answer the growing need for Industry 4.0 skilled engineers.

Fortunately, Mevea has been working on a solution even before we realised how urgently it would be needed. Time after time, Digital Twins have proven to be an increasingly superior companion or even alternative to physical products, especially when educating engineers on interdisciplinary product development.

In case you have followed our story over the years, you may be familiar with Mevea’s annually held seminar. The event has traditionally been held as an in-person event here in Finland, but in 2020, for the first time, we organised the seminar as a virtual event, enabling access for our global audience.

Are you interested to see last year’s seminar? You can do so here.

This year, we aim to upgrade the experience even further by splitting the event into three laser-focused and industry-specific episodes: Engineering Education, Port Operator Training, and Product Development.

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If you are interested to watch our Tech Talk episodes, visit our resource section.